!WARNING! !DANGER! !ACHTUNG! !PELIGRO! !AVERTISSMENT! 1/2 Fast Software This disk may contain bugs, worms, virons, xenons, kryptons, speleons, memes, or other forms of artificial life. To protect your software, your data, and your sanity, please take the following precautions to prevent infection. 1. Backup your files. Backup your DOS too! 2. Apply a write protect tab to any disk which you don't want trashed. 3. After using strange software, turn computer power OFF, and wait at least one minute before rebooting. 4. ABC. Always Be Careful. Copyright (c)1990, 1994 by Dave Byter, proliferate freely CAVE Inc, 1/2 Fast Road, Ritner, KY 42639 606/376-3137